Course Syllabus

Instructor:  Erick Webster                                            Email:

Classroom Phone: 636-851-4583                           Prep Time: 7th hour


Course Description:

To provide students with an understanding of the development, purpose, and operations of political systems in order for them to make informed decisions and rational judgments as a member of their community and as a citizen in a global society. 



You will not need a book because we will do everything online, but if you would like to have a copy of the book they will be offered during the pick up days.

Magruder’s American Government (2015) Cost to replace $85


American Government Course Map/List of Class Topics to be Studied

American Government 1st Semester

  • Foundations of American Government (10 weeks)

Political Heritage

      • Roots of American Government
      • American Revolution
      • Constitutional Convention
    • The Constitution
      • Checks and Balances
      • Popular Sovereignty
      • Federalism
    • Bill of Rights
  • Politics and Elections (6 weeks)
      • Participation in Government
      • Political Parties
      • Running a Campaign

Materials Needed:

Internet connected device (but you probably have that since you are reading this), Notebook/Binder with Paper, Textbook, Pens, Pencils

GRADING: Your letter grade and semester grade will be based on the standard grading policy for Francis Howell 

                Grading Scale:                                                                                                 Semester Grade

                  A               90%-100%                                                                                        Quarter 1 and 2        80%

                  B               80%-89%                                                                                           Semester Exam        20%

                  C               70%-79%                                                                                                           

                  D               60%-69%                                                     

                  F                Below 59%                                


Late Work Policy:

  • Late work will be accepted for 50% credit through the end of the unit assessment.



  • Absolute silence is demanded during quizzes and tests—talking is cheating!
  • Do not get up for any reason during a test. If you have a question raise your hand and I will come to you. 
  • On test days, always bring something extra to do in case you finish early.
  • Test rules are in effect the moment the first person gets the test or quiz and until the last person turns it in.



  • RESPECT: Please be courteous and respectful of everyone at all times. If someone is presenting, wait until they are finished before moving about the room.  Talk with the teacher’s permission only and do not interrupt instruction for non-emergencies.  Refrain from using profanity.
  • SAFETY: Sit in the desks and not on them.  Always remains seated unless the teacher gives you permission to leave your seat! Please keep book bags and other materials out of the aisles and keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself. 
  • AWARENESS: Keep your head up at all times.  If you feel ill, please see me and I will send you to the nurse.  I will not under any circumstances allow students to keep their heads down. If I see you interacting with your cell phone when not given permission I will confiscate them.  IPods can be used only during work time and can be confiscated by the teacher if it is deemed a distraction to the educational process. 


Attendance and Make-Up Work:

  • If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed. Check canvas about what we covered in class or message me for assignments you missed. You have the number of days you missed to turn in any missed work.  For example, if you miss 2 days, you have 2 days to turn in your missed work.
  • If you know of an absence ahead of time, then YOU are responsible for obtaining materials you will miss BEFORE the absence, but it becomes problematic to open items up to you exclusively. 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due